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品牌: Satronic - Honeywell


⊙ 产品详细说明

The SGU930 and SGU930i control boxes are suitable for oil, gas and dual-fuel burners of high firing rates. The SGU930i has a micro-processor controlled information system with a serial interface.

Methods of flame detection include:

- flame ionisation rod

- U-V detector cell

- Infra-red flicker detector

The SGU930 and SGU930i control boxes have been designed to control and supervise single, two-stage and modulating burners on oil, gas or dual-fuel applications. They comply with the European standards EN 230 and EN 298 and can be fitted on burners with unlimited firing rates and also on direct-fired air heaters.

The communications feature of the information system of the SGU930i gives the option of a link-up with a personal computer (PC) or a remote building management system.

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