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⊙ 产品详细说明

This series solenoid valves are of normally closed type, quick operating, suitable for civil and industrial applications, supplied with alternate or direct current. According to the suffix after their type reference they are suitable for light oil (no suffix), for kerosene (“K” suffix), for naphtha (“N” suffix) and for water or steam (“V” suffix).

Solenoid valves must be utilised with the indicated fluid only, in order to avoid the damage of seals and compromise the safety of devices in a very short time.

型号 运行压力(bar) 口径 功率(VA)在230V 媒质
E6*1/4 3 G1/4" 18.5 轻柴油
E6*3/8 3 G3/8" 18.5 轻柴油
E6*1/2 3 G1/2" 18.5 轻柴油
E6N*1/4 3 G1/4" 18.5 重柴油
E6N*3/8 3 G3/8" 18.5 重柴油
E6N*1/2 3 G1/2" 18.5 重柴油
E6K*1/4 3 G1/4" 18.5 煤油
E6K*3/8 3 G3/8" 18.5 煤油
E6K*1/2 3 G1/2" 18.5 煤油
E6V*1/4 3 G1/4" 18.5 或蒸汽
E6V*3/8 3 G3/8" 18.5 或蒸汽
E6V*1/2 3 G1/2" 18.5 或蒸汽
主电压 230V 50/60Hz
媒质温度 80ºC(轻柴油、重柴油、煤油)


关闭时间 <1s
打开时间 <1s
安装位置 任意
材料 铸铝
等级 A
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